-- org-mode --
Text based trading/adventure sim.
** Description
CL-Wars is a text based game made for fun, highly inspired by
Space Trader, Drug Wars, FTL, Roguelikes, STALKER, WH40k, and
many more.
In CL-Wars you are a rogue trader on the edge of an poorly charted
and unfriendly galaxy. Ply your wares, capture archeotech, and
purge xenomorphs in the fires of your guns.
NOTE: This 'game' is just a playground for me to play with Lisp. It is not a reference for
'good'/idomatic CL software and is not really intended to be useful or playable.
** Systems
*** Systems
- Ship Systems
- Hull Integrity
- When 0 game over
- Repulsor Shield
- Each % of shield integrity reduces damage by some %
- Warp Drive
- How far you can jump per 1 fuel
- Reactors
- Powers warp drive and warp field
- Will always have some power, but if power is too low
you with have to jump without a warp field
- Munitions
- Ammo for weapons
- Warp Field
- Jumping without a warp field will have random effects
- Weapons Systems
- Weapons have attributes depending on type
- Plasma Weapon
- Expensive/high damamge
- Beam Weapon
- High hull damage, low shield damage
- Explosive Weapon
- Average hull damage, average shield damage
- Money/Economy
- Used to upgrade ship components/crew
- Can trade spice (variable cost in systems), but your crew will
consume it based on their happiness
- Can trade archeotech (AT has characteristics that may be desireable to
different planetary systems)
- Crew Systems
- Crew needs gruel for food
- Crew will be happier if spice is present on the ship
- Crew members can give buffs
to other parts of the ship
- Sanity/Moral (impacted by availability of spice and/or horrors of the warp)
- Hazard/Boon System
- Each sector contains a hazard and a boon
- A hazard is a combat encounter or some kind of negative event
- The boon is some kind of positive event
- The likelihood of either depends on sanity calculation
- Perhaps flesh out equipment system for 'boon' hunting