794 B

Saint Anthony's Fire

I intend to branch off from the tutorial at some point and have the game be about playing as St. Anthony being tested in the desert. I think the core gameplay mechanics should be a spellcrafting system and a faith system.


  • Spellcrafting System A limited number of discrete spell attributes that can be combined to form spells.

  • Faith System Some kind of 'mana' esque system that's based on player decision making. This may be beyond my abilities, but if thematically the player is playing as a Saint, there should be come component in the gameplay that relates to that.

    • Sacrifice turns while in combat to gain faith (Pacifism)
    • Convert HP to Faith (mana) (Flagilation) OR
    • * No HP/Mana, shared resource pool that is used for HP and casting (Faith)