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Initial Commit

spesk1 5 years ago
3 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 2 0
  2. 25 0
  3. 170 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# gsgd
+Script for automatically updating your static git website generated with gsg.
+Disclaimer: This script is pretty awful, and is possibly even an example of
+"worst practices".
+## Usage
+gsgd uses the contents of the file talk.gsgd to trigger events.
+You can use server side git hooks such as ``post-receive` to trigger gsgd.
+A `post-receive` script example:
+echo -ne "Regen\n" >> /some/path/to/talk.gsgd
+You can create these server side in your project dirs, see the Server-Side Hooks section here: 
+## Backgrounding
+You can run `gsgd` in the background via `./gsgd &` and `disown %1`, use tmux/screen, etc.

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+my $log_file = "gsgd.log";
+sub get_log_name { return $log_file; };
+my $log_conf = q(
+        log4perl.rootLogger              = INFO, LOG1, screen
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1           = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.filename  = sub { get_log_name(); }
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.mode      = append
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout    = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p >> %m %n
+        log4perl.appender.screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+        log4perl.appender.screen.stderr = 0
+        log4perl.appender.screen.layout = PatternLayout
+        log4perl.appender.screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p >> %m %n
+my $logger = get_logger();
+my %args;
+	\%args,
+	'gsg-cmd=s',
+	'comms-file=s'
+my $comm_file = "talk.gsgd";
+my $LOCK_FILE = "lock.gsgd";
+my $regen_cmd;
+sub process_args() {
+	if ( ! defined $args{'gsg-cmd'} || $args{'gsg-cmd'} eq "" ) {
+		$logger->error("Must pass --gsg-cmd");
+		exit 1;
+	}
+	$regen_cmd = $args{'gsg-cmd'};
+	if ( defined $args{'comms-file'} ) {
+		if ( ! -f $args{'comms-file'} ) {
+			$logger->error("$args{'comms-file'} doesn't look like a regular file");
+			exit 1;
+		}
+		if ( ! -w $args{'comms-file'} ) {
+			$logger->error("$0 doesn't appear to have permission to write to $args{'comms-file'}");
+			exit 1;
+		}
+		$comm_file = $args{'comms-file'};
+	}
+sub create_lock() {
+	$logger->debug("Creating lock file while operating");
+	open(my $fh, ">", $LOCK_FILE) or die $logger->error("Couldn't create $LOCK_FILE");
+	print $fh "";
+	close $fh;
+sub remove_lock() {
+	$logger->debug("Removing lock file, not operating");
+	unlink($LOCK_FILE) or die $logger->error("Couldn't unlink $LOCK_FILE");
+sub check_lock() {
+	if ( -f $LOCK_FILE ) {
+		$logger->info("Found lock file");
+		sleeper(5);
+		if ( -f $LOCK_FILE ) {
+			die $logger->error("$LOCK_FILE still exists even after waiting, why?");
+		}
+	}
+sub remove_instruction($) {
+	my $instruction_to_remove = shift;
+	$logger->debug("Removing $instruction_to_remove instruction");
+	$logger->debug("Opening $comm_file for writing");
+	open(my $fh, ">", $comm_file);
+	my @lines = $fh;
+	foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
+		# This is bad TODO
+		print $fh "$line\n" unless ( $line =~ m/$instruction_to_remove/ || $line =~ m/GLOB/);
+	}
+	$logger->debug("Closing $comm_file");
+	close $fh;
+sub regen() {
+	$logger->info("Regening site");
+	system("$regen_cmd") == 0
+		or die $logger->error("Failed to exec $regen_cmd !");
+	check_lock();
+	create_lock();
+	remove_instruction("Regen");
+	remove_lock();
+sub gsgd_exit() {
+	check_lock();
+	create_lock();
+	remove_instruction("Exit");
+	remove_lock();
+	exit 0;
+sub sleeper($) {
+	my $sleep_time = shift;
+	$logger->debug("Sleeping $sleep_time seconds");
+	sleep $sleep_time;
+sub open_comms() {
+	$logger->debug("Opening $comm_file for reading");
+	open(my $fh, "<", $comm_file) or die $logger->error("Could not open $comm_file for reading");
+	my @instructions = <$fh>;
+	$logger->debug("Closing $comm_file");
+	close $fh;
+	foreach my $line ( @instructions ) {
+		chomp $line;
+		if ( $line =~ m/^Regen$/ ) {
+			$logger->info("Got $line instruction");
+			regen();
+		} elsif ( $line =~ m/^Exit$/ ) {
+			$logger->info("Got $line instruction");
+			gsgd_exit();
+		} else {
+			$logger->error("Unrecognized instruction $line");
+		}
+	}
+while() {
+	sleeper(1);
+	open_comms();