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Placeholder repo right now as code is not ready to be public. Tracking features/TODO's in this README.


  • Generate top level index with links to all projects - POC DONE
  • Generate project specific index with links to git log/diffs and file content of repo - POC DONE
  • Diff highlighting for log
  • Line numbers for file browsing
  • markdown renderer/parser / display in project index
  • Figure out way to expose clone/merge/etc interface

Framework Plans

  • gsg -- Perl script to generate the site, uses modules below
  • -- lib to handle shell calls (can likely split Shellex from simply-git project into it's own repo and maintain it there for both things)
  • -- module to assemble data structures from git trees that need to be obtained as part of generating the site
  • -- probably a bad name, used for writing HTML files and/or editing text in other data structures with html content
  • -- module for parsing markdown. Likely a fools errand to be writing this myself but I'd like to try
  • -- module to parse gsg config, might be overkill to have it's own module
    • gsg.config -- Config file that gsg reads to inform behavior (git repos dir, what to include/exclude, etc)