Browse Source

Basics of data gathering done. Need to redo all HTML writing still

spesk1 4 years ago
7 changed files with 171 additions and 20 deletions
  1. 4 2
  2. 3 0
  3. 56 0
  4. 11 0
  5. 11 0
  6. 18 17
  7. 68 1

+ 4 - 2

@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 * Line numbers for file browsing
 * markdown renderer/parser / display in project index
 * Figure out way to expose clone/merge/etc interface
-* (Stretch GoaL) HTML based syntax highlighting for files
+* (Stretch Goal) HTML based syntax highlighting for files
+* Support detection of misconfig of config file
 ## Framework Plans ##
 * gsg -- Perl script to generate the site, uses modules below
@@ -27,4 +28,5 @@
 ## Deps ##
 * ( )
 * git
-* Log4Perl
+* Perl Log4Perl
+* Perl GetOpts

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+GitHome = "/home/git"
+WebRoot = "/var/www/html/git"
+IgnoredProjects = [ "/home/git/finance-perl.git/", "/home/git/git-site-gen.git/", "/home/git/misc-scripts.git/" ]

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+use lib "/usr/local/lib";
+use Shellex::Shellex qw(shellex findBin);
+use Gsg::ConfigParse qw(parse_gsg_config);
+use Gsg::Gather qw(get_file_tree get_projects);
+my $log_file = "gsg.log";
+sub get_log_name { return $log_file; };
+my $log_conf = q(
+        log4perl.rootLogger              = INFO, LOG1, screen
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1           = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.filename  = sub { get_log_name(); }
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.mode      = append
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout    = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+        log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p >> %m %n
+	log4perl.appender.screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+	log4perl.appender.screen.stderr = 0
+	log4perl.appender.screen.layout = PatternLayout
+	log4perl.appender.screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p >> %m %n
+my $logger = get_logger();
+my $config_file = "config.example";
+my %config = parse_gsg_config($config_file,$logger);
+my $web_root = $config{'WebRoot'};
+my $web_projects_dir = $web_root . "/projects/";
+my $root_index = $web_projects_dir . "index.html";
+foreach my $key ( keys %config ) {
+	if ( $key eq "IgnoredProjects" ) {
+		print "$key contains:\n";
+		foreach my $val ( @{$config{$key}} ) {
+			print "$val\n";
+		}
+	} else {
+		print "Key is $key and val is $config{$key}\n";
+	}
+print "Projects are:\n";
+my $git_projects_ref = get_projects($config{'GitHome'},$config{'IgnoredProjects'},$logger);
+foreach my $p ( @$git_projects_ref ) {
+	print "$p\n";
+# my ( $file_tree_ref, $file_content_ref, $commits_ref ) = get_file_tree($project_dir,$logger);

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Running: which cat 2>&1 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Returned: 0 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Running: /bin/cat config.example 2>&1 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Returned: 0 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Running: which ls 2>&1 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Returned: 0 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Running: /bin/ls -d /home/git/*/ 2>&1 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Returned: 0 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Found /home/git/finance-perl.git/ in ignore list, skipping... 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Found /home/git/git-site-gen.git/ in ignore list, skipping... 
+2019/06/21 21:00:48 INFO >> Found /home/git/misc-scripts.git/ in ignore list, skipping... 

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ ! -d $libDir ]; then
+	echo "Making $libDir"
+	sudo mkdir -p $libDir
+echo "Calling sudo to copy libs"
+sudo cp ./lib/Gsg/* $libDir

+ 18 - 17

@@ -5,40 +5,41 @@ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
 use lib "/usr/local/lib";
 use Shellex::Shellex qw(shellex findBin);
 use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parse_gsg_config);
 sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };
-sub parseGsgConfig($$) {
+sub parse_gsg_config($$) {
-	my $configPath = shift;
+	my $config_path = shift;
 	my $logger = shift;
-	if ( ! -e $config ) {
-		$logger->error("$config doesn't look like a regular file, exiting...");
+	if ( ! -e $config_path ) {
+		$logger->error("$config_path doesn't look like a regular file, exiting...");
 		exit 1;
-	my $catCmd = findBin("cat",$logger);
-	my @configLines = split("\n",shellex("$catCmd $config",$logger));
-	my %configHash;
-	foreach my $line ( @configLines ) {
+	# Should probably just open with perl, needless shellout TODO
+	my $cat_cmd = findBin("cat",$logger);
+	my @config_lines = split("\n",shellex("$cat_cmd $config_path",$logger));
+	my %config_hash;
+	foreach my $line ( @config_lines ) {
 		chomp $line;
 		if ( $line =~ m/^(.*)\ =\ "(.*)"$/ ) {
-			$configHash{$1} = $2;
+			$config_hash{$1} = $2;
 		if ( $line =~ m/^(.*)\ =\ \[(.*)\]/ ) {
-			my @trimmedPorts;
-			my @ports = split(",",$2);
-			foreach my $port (@ports) {
-				$port =~ /(\d{1,5})/;
-				push(@trimmedPorts,trim($1));
+			my @trimmed_vals;
+			my @vals = split(",",$2);
+			foreach my $val (@vals) {
+				$val =~ /"(.*)"/;
+				push(@trimmed_vals,trim($1));
-			$configHash{$1} = \@trimmedPorts;
+			$config_hash{$1} = \@trimmed_vals;
-	return %configHash;
+	return %config_hash;

+ 68 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,74 @@ package Gsg::Gather;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+use Shellex::Shellex qw(shellex findBin);
 use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_file_tree get_projects);
+sub get_projects($$$) {
+	my $git_dir = shift;
+	my $ignored_projects_ref = shift;
+	my $logger = shift;
+	my $ls_cmd = findBin("ls",$logger);
+	my @git_project_dirs;
+	foreach my $dir ( split("\n", shellex("$ls_cmd -d $git_dir/*/",$logger)) ) {
+		if ( $dir !~ m/\.git/ ) {
+			next;
+		}
+		if ( grep( /^$dir$/, @$ignored_projects_ref ) ) {
+			$logger->info("Found $dir in ignore list, skipping...");
+			next;
+		} else {
+			push(@git_project_dirs,$dir);
+		}
+	}
+	return \@git_project_dirs;
+sub get_file_tree($$) {
+	my $projectDir = shift;
+	my $logger = shift;
+	my $gitCmd = findBin("git",$logger);
+	# Get files
+	my %file_tree;
+	foreach my $file ( split("\n", shellex("$gitCmd --git-dir=\"$projectDir\" ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD",$logger)) ) {
+		chomp $file;
+		$file =~ /([a-z0-9]{40})\t(.*)$/;
+		# Name - object id
+		$file_tree{$2} = $1;
+	}
+	# Get file content
+	my %file_content;
+	foreach my $filename ( keys %file_tree ) {
+		my $content = shellex("$gitCmd --git-dir=\"$projectDir\" show $file_tree{$filename}",$logger);
+		chomp $content;
+		# Name - file content
+		$file_content{$filename} = $content;
+	}
+	# Get logs
+	my @commit_ids;
+	foreach my $log_line ( split("\n",shellex("$gitCmd --git-dir=\"$projectDir\" log",$logger)) ) {
+		if ( $log_line =~ m/commit\ ([a-z0-9]{40})/ ) {
+			push(@commit_ids,$1);
+		}
+	}
+	my %commits;
+	foreach my $commit_id ( @commit_ids ) {
+		my $commit_info = shellex("git --git-dir=\"$projectDir\" show $commit_id",$logger);
+		chomp $commit_info;
+		$commits{$commit_id} = $commit_info;
+	}
+	return ( \%file_tree, \%file_content, \%commits );